It’s so easy to rely on the security and comfort of email communication – but please do so with awareness of risks associated to cyber-security
It’s so easy to rely on the security and comfort of email communication – but please do so with awareness of risks associated to cyber-security
A pension plan is a scheme designed to provide for income post-retirement. It is a long-term investment which is expected to grow through interest and further contributions made, so that a member has a stable source of income at retirement.
Since 5 December 2011, the Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 (“the Act”) has been tested throughout South African Magisterial Courts within the civil context. Apart from some fine-tuned housekeeping by these Courts, the orders emanating from this Act have some far-reaching consequences. Regardless, it has seen to the end of the archaic Peace Orders which, in practice, served very little (if any) purpose in the way of protecting victims of harassment, civil abuse, and intimidation
If you currently have a policy with a Pension / Preservation / Provident Fund or Retirement Annuity, you may be aware that (generally speaking) the benefit derived from your policy is protected in the event of insolvency.
When it comes to family and civil law you need someone on your side who shows compassion, openness and watchfulness.